Friday, April 15, 2005

No More DeZires

All I want remains nothing.(BTW, tht Z in desires coz, my firewall's denying access to the word desires)

No more dreams,
no more passions,
no more nights,
no new fashions.

Enough of this life,
I cannot fight this strife,
there is no tunnel to hide and escape.
As I keep walking,
people look at the loser and gape.

My parents deserved someone better,
I have betrayed them enough,
their life is already tough,
I can see their concealed dissapointment,
And now the pressure I need to vent.

I can sleep no more,
life has become a bloody gore,
each day and night,
I try to turn things right,
at the end of the day,
I never see light.
To darkness, I retreat,
And keep sobbing under its covers.

Now I cannot talk,
my eyes want to speak
and my heart wants to sink.

As I keep writing,
I hope for hope to come back
to leave u need to cheat,
and all your friends you need to beat.
This is not to be called "greed"
To my death, Wine I'll feed


Gururaj said...

wrong comment to the wrong post re,
this one's supposed to make u cry!!

Naresh said...

This made me cry!

shaan said...

Raj man !! why r u disappointed
life holds more than just a BTech degree ......
I felt bad reading this in your blog ..
Remeber U were always a fighter .....

Gururaj said...

But....I tried and I tried and SLM doesnt like the way I write answers he wants essays for a single mark!! people who just live a happy-go-lucky lie, get gud marks, and here I toil at times unrequired and yet suffer, thts wat leaves me sad be

shaan said...

remeber Raj we are not the kind of ppl who need SLMs reco to survive !! remember nothing is unrequited in this world !!
so stay calm !!!!!!!!!!