Sunday, October 17, 2004


I guess v can never have the best of both the worlds. So, I tried to have the best of the corporate world and failed miserably. But the other world, is really enticing. It really is a pleasure at times, pain, I mean. Even now I dont get this thing into my head, but yes pain is a pleasure. an Yesterday it was pleasure. Imagine wierd sounds from beneath you a cough, a choke an all lights dying. It's pitch dark and your vehicle has broken down. In despair, we laughed. I do not realize why, but life is the same guaranteed to supply disasters from nowhere and when pain is a pleasure you are holdin life the right way. It was really amazing the way we crawled a whole km and saw garba at this village for two hours. I really am missing her now. I mean, yes, she is just a net friend , but I really dont have words. I can just say hey!!!get back soon. Sorceress.....
All fun is no more fun when you can't say it to ur loved one. But it is a pain ...and as I just said pain is pleasure..or hey!!! good night

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