Monday, October 25, 2004

The seeds planted and the field watered, the crop when seen was found to be weed. full-fledged prepearation, multiple night out sessions, and reading thoroughly through the book too couldnt help my fate. "0" it was to be and ZER0 it will be, after all Indians discovered it. It feels like I have let down everyone, but .. what was the cause?, Work.. no, I did work well, lack of grey cells..might be. or may be. I am now craving just for some peace of mind. But, then I know I can never est in peace, not after such a dismal peformance. The whole world is lit up, but the light evades my room. I still live in the darkness,all alone, ignorant, of the world, sobbing in my own world, my light is getting blown away...Is this the end?

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