Sunday, October 03, 2004


The building is half done. A hotel was to be made but a mall strucutre was constructed. Now, we need to do more than just go back to the beginning. The bricks are ready and so are the others but the construction needs to b halted for destruction. Resurrection, is what is wanted . Evil needs to die and the better part needs to get back in my life , And I hope all this takes place in my sleep and I wake up a new man. The sting of alcohol and the lively rant of people has still not sunk in even as the reminiscensce is being wiped off. Shooting the breeze, people go back to their homes as I still have no destiny written. I am undone due to various reasons.
1. No Studies
2. No Girl
3. No Alcohol
4. Excess Sleep
5. This new BLOG thingie
Still the triumph of good is what is true says history
my new Schedule
8-11 am -CNS
1-3 pm - IQM
4-5pm - DCP
8-10pm - IQM
11-12pm -Sp
If this goes my way, I think Everythin else soon will!!!!!!!!!!
Just Dont give up hope....Goldfishes can fly and earthworms can hop

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