Carl Sagan is not someone I know....Some one just handed over a book written by him that taught me that life was more than just looking at notebooks , writing stuff and rewriting stuff to memorize it...NOw now!! People might wonder why I am writing this if Carl Sagan already propagated all this stuff...Well Well!1 He wasnt sure of all this and now!!!!
In spite of the fact, that I have done zero research and have zero experience in what he said, I am quite sure, that i might just become a multi-grillionare(a grillion is billions of millions of billioons of............) by what I just found out...
Have you ever thought of how Our Brain works?? how does it store and retrieve data?? how does it remember things and help us recollect??? Doesnt this seem exactly like a computer??? and how does a computer's har disk work?? A small needle keeps hovering all over the disc and retrieves data from the necessary place by stoppin over there...And the brain, is not any more complex than that..poor Sagan guy.. He couldnt think of this... We can start clipping electrice alligator clips all over the head...Bout hmm.....1,00,000 to be precise, and randomly start giving the person with that head of alligator clips, shocks of voltage good enuff to improve his memory....And one day..Ta daaa................All humans will come to Raj and stand in a Q to get their head treated with my proven and tested alligator electric clip method...
Everyone is invited to volunteer in my honest operation towards the development of the homo sapien civilization...Funding is always welcome and soon,....... read this carefully, may be you might be given the right to open a head improving Thinking branch of Raj's elite Head-Exponentiator technique....
Move over Carl Sagan, the $@v!0r 0f da worlD is Here........
And by the way, if you guys happen to be thinkin that I am totally crazy...remember, I wont help u exponentiate ur head capabilities...
And sooon, I am thinkin of releasin a beta version of this ultra modern head expo..thing
It 'll b in the shape of a hat and will hav thousands of circuits inside and t'will use solar power to generate shocks and u can use it in exams to remember stuff u canT remember normally..
Tell me!! I am sure you must have used something similar to get brilliant ideas like that, right?
you seriously need some 'edible'food for thought.
u sure hav 1 customer man !!
who ??? abe urself be :P
me volunteer 2 put dose shocks v spoke of da other day!!!
hey i want to see teh demonstrate ur experiment on yourself first....
Anything wrong with you dude?
I mean, u ok??
now i dont want to spoil the fun but couldn't resist telling this:
This is a real experiment called the Penfield experiment wherein Dr. Penfield(a famous neurologist) gave microvolage currents to certain parts in the brain which made the unconscious person recall incidents in his life when he was 5 years old, etc. So this has actually been done, but they do not know as to how to do it in a controlled way.
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