Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Google Glass Project

One of the latest innovations being tested by google, the google glass is like any other pair of spectacles except for a display on the right eye and a voice based input which takes commands. It would be very interesting to see how reliably the glass takes instructions given difference accents and of course given background noise. A potential application that I see specially for people who keep forgetting the names of acquaintances would be a face recognition, a place recognition among things. I have already seen videos showing routes from GPS, routes nearby restaurants, shooting photos and videos on command. I also wonder about the possibility of gesture recognition in the glass. All in all, I see it as another sci-fi dream bend towards reality but the scope of the product, still not completely clear. I understand the google glass to be a mobile phone accessory with a GPS and a touch pad on the side. Primarily voice based commands. The verge guy had an outing with the glass at google HQ and has a post on his experience which is the closest I could get to knowing more. Here is the link. He claims it is a question of when rather than if and that is perhaps the most powerful way to close the debate.

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