Saturday, February 23, 2013

My opinion on Coursera Offerings I have taken

My interest was held intensely by courses on algorithms. Both courses are being(have been) conducted in two parts, one version(Stanford) by Tim Roughgarden, who in my opinion primarily showcases the theoretical background necessary required for dealing with new problems by filling our quiver with a set of tools. The other version(Princeton) by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne deals with the more realistic problems of understanding practical applications and how to use pre-defined API and how to estimate the complexity of a written code in more realistic terms than our big-O notation. All in all, I have had a very good experience with the Tim's courses and now I am onto Sedgewick whenever time permits.

There is also a guitar and a songwriting course starting up and now that I think of it the bathroom singer needs to improve!!

Not much updates with my iRobot Create and Xtion pro, but the next acquisition(adapter) will bring about some interesting enhancements.

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