Saturday, March 23, 2013

ROS tf issues

I set up a launch file following a simple map building tutorial through simulation and hooked it with a good map so that I can have interesting trials with navigation. Once I set up everything and moved the robot around, I had two main questions? Where is the map published?

I could find services using rosservice list and found a /dynamic_map which I subscribed to.

One more pre-requisite before the navigation test was the attempt to see if the transforms were available.
rosrun tf view_frames
would generate a pdf file in the folder giving all transforms. Any problem with naming or transforms would be clearly visible as a node not having any connections. In my case, the map was connected to odom but there was no connection between odom and base_link, preventing me from moving the robot.

Rather odom_combined was connected to base_link and renaming the out to odom_combined solved the problem.

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