Saturday, July 16, 2011

The new being

Right, so I have picked up something new that I hope to pick up well. Being proactive. Jumping into the thick of things before the blink of an eye and driving at the pace of a formula one guy, I will still attempt to keep myself from over/under steering.

The last one month has been a huge change for me. After school, I have let myself be tagged up finally. Nearly uniformed too. It has been voluntary at some level, not completely though. I believe I am one of the last specimens from the batch of my b.techs to have started working finally. And then its like there is hot oil poured from all directions after they blind you for the moment. I guess life ends by the time, you can see. How do you move fast? Use other senses and keep going or lose the battle. I, finally, acknowledge, the persistence, the patience, the optimism and the character of people who have been working. Working since time I cannot imagine before. Working for a future, they set for their next generation and saving for their health, their children, education and life. Sharing takes a different meaning. People share food, fun and meaningless talk. The distant dreams, perhaps forgotten, perhaps kept in a closet. In this cluster of running rats, I attempt to fit in finally, not wondering whether it is too late, but wondering if there is an empty tunnel left to be discovered.


[Amod] said...

Cluster of running rats....
Were you referring to me? :P
Work intermittently. Apply SJF. Sleep late so that you're not attentive through the day and thus do not pay much attention to everything happening around.

CAPTCHA word: cakepa


Unknown said...

running rats... You and me both, lab rat, you and me both.

what's SJF, btw? hope it isn't something cheesy (haha, pun intended) like Shortest Job First.

Gururaj said...

My blog keeps removing comment tracking through email!!
I was not being subtle and you might not fall into the category, but perhaps you might too ChuChu..
@Sarat : The rat traps in the labs are empty now!