Tuesday, February 20, 2007


sometimes things happen so fast that you do not see them. And sometimes, they take so long that the effect is forever. You have a presentation in six months. The snail keeps moving in its attempt to reach the other end of the road. But, why the other end? it could get crushed easily in between. And it has no defense for itself. But, it keeps moving. Are we snails? Well, a bit more developed mentally and physically, so we need to think whether we need to cross. Or we need to cross because we see a more secure, clean life. The basic platform for survival.

The speakers blare out idle music. The music evaporates like smoke. They leave no effect. The mind is so occupied with nothing , that nothing takes over you.

I look at myself and admire my long hair. Perhaps a bath would do me good. I look for those dodging eyes at popular places. I leave those subtle hints which are established by time. I see no effect. I look at people asking if they are looking good. I nod a half-certain approval. People happy. Do I look good? It doesnt matter, does it? Will it be ok, if I look good because I think I do? After all, everyone around is trying to look good. Maybe looking good is good for the man in the society. Or, may be...just maybe,.... is looking good a stress buster? maybe once you look good you need not worry about looking good, once you are certain that is. How far are the people in their 3/4ths or ulta topis influencing me? Confusion. Scratch hair. Scratch hair on other places too. Scratching diverts the mind. Thinking of whether people noticed my scratching. Maybe I should not have scratched. Scratching crotch in public place is not encouraged by our culture. But, in the first place, I was never feeling itchy. It was just to divert attention from ulta topi waaalas to me. Now, that people are looking, you do not want them to look. That is exactly how the middle class is formed. Thinking they want something, and once they get it, they no longer want it. Going to upper class means, wearing the ulta topees and showing people that you are different. Lower class means not even considering the topiwallas as human . We, the stupid middle class shall remain here till we die.

People all over the world(also called DAIICT) assume that you are worthless. Unable to complete btech. I challenge you to stand in my place and consider yourself worthful. You cannot. Pathetic foolios, it is my standing that makes me still alive. It is my ability to ignore the dogs. Keep barking..Not that I can ignore you forever, but I when you are too much of a nuisance I shall call in the dog cathing squad or throw you a bone. About curiousity, or concern, there is a wee bit of confusion among people. People think they are showing concern, when they are curious about me. What do you think I am made of? Cow dung? I can see you are curious to know about my condition and feel good. Go home and rejoice.

How long should a report be? what font should I use? what color should I use? what dpi should I use for my graphic? ...if u could also tell me what to write, and what grade to expect, I might as well quit. Try to see if what I do is comprehendable, if so, it should be fine. I agree about universal standards for faster information processing. But, if the standards are imposed for the heck of it, rather than on a research paper, it will be like the monkey who wore spectacles.

The labs remain empty, people sit at gallas and discuss their problems. The faculty keeps refreshing their mail ists and delete mails from students. Students keep awake the whole night in an attempt to find that rare ascarapallabura axe that can inflict 200% damage. Or for that item, I do not remember. Win the game and feel happy. Least you/I could do.


Y.M. said...


faced smthin similar last yr...umm...obv diff ppl..diff situations....but feelings remain d same!!...finally i m kinda outta that shit...life is good...u ll get wat u want really soon...its jus d prelims...life aint dat slow and life aint dat bad!!!

Unknown said...

hey maams.. one thing i realised. you need to have faith.

faith in something, be it your laziness, your worthiness, the other's stupidness. god, luck, fate, love. have faith in something, and believe in it wholly, irrationally, so that you do not need to justify that belief to anybody (except yourself).

and i guess if you choose your faith carefully, and understand it fully, you are done. QED.

Naresh said...

Hey brother...
Light is always at the end of the tunnel, its up to us how fast we run thru the darkness and reach there... Am sure u ll do good! I know Raj... :)

All the best bro!

Gururaj said...

Reasoning remains essential. and faith in reasoning I believe shall drive one. If the reason is not strong enough in faith, the motive shall fail.

And yes, I take all times alike. Good, bad ... Learning from people, looking at my stupidities and moving forward. Except, I have slowed down to rest. I need to get up and move again. I have allowed to much to gather rust. Cleaning time started

Bhavesh said...

and wht happens when u lost all faith, when life becomes a burden, when society becomes hostile, and humans looks like dimwitted robots..

Bhavesh said...

fuck.. grammar..
its lose, not lost
r u tryin to find the answer to life? meaning and purpose?