Monday, February 26, 2007

Dark clouds loom the sky. The stench of death is smellable. (there is no word for the ability to smell:Sunil). The only other creaute alive here is that poor ant or the prying lizard. I look twice before I decide this is not the right time and wait.
People are moving. Fast. Its like the game we used to play as kids-statue. I have just become that. NO motion, just looking at everything that happens. People love statues as statues are no threat to them. Howl, Zabimaru!!!!
Who can forget that half-hollow half-shinigami Ichigo? Losing all powers, he still had the will to fight. The will released his new unknown power.

The reiatsu can really be felt. Spirit power exists. And I believe I am gaining it back. Do you not feel a sense of something that is more powerful,comfortable and clear than others as it moves by? That is its spirit power, reiatsu.

When you are free of a small mental obstacle, it matters a lot to the mind. I found it true that I actually feel light. Calm, but enthusiastic.
I was made to wonder how I solve my problems. Now, I am thinking. I never tackle my problems. I just shove them away in a vault. And when they are unbearable, I try to move myself away. Not anymore, worst fears, come on-right on my face. I need organized progress. Or else, my mind remains ill at ease. My mind has been ill at ease since more than an year.

I wonder what people do all day. The computers have ruined life. And traces of it still fly in the air. I want to keep them together. Hold them and make them live again.

The desert with its golden dark sand,endless and complete. The delta with its rich flora and fauna, aptly called greenery. The first rains that wet the parched earth make the heart joyful. The little squirrel biting a nut makes one inquisitive. Life has been made to love. in the right way. The beauty of life can never end(females included). The obsession with the opposite sex is not justified. There is a limit in each kind of a pleasure. When obsession starts, one pleasure is gained at the cost of another. Living is a pleasure. A wholesome experience. The pain of realization is a pleasure. The touch of reality a pleasure. Be above the small intricacies and squabbles. Leave in peace.

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