Thursday, March 08, 2007


omission9 asks: "For about 10 years I have worked mostly behind a desk in a cubicle and am starting to feel that this environment is making me miserable. The cheap fluorescent lights, the stuffy air, and the restless feeling I get from just sitting so long are starting to really annoy me. My background is mainly as a programmer but I started my career as a network engineer/network administrator. I am also a member of the US Naval Reserve and am cleared as high as Top Secret. Are there any jobs out there that match this sort of skill set (more or less programmer but generally excellent tech skills) that don't require being stuck behind a desk? Paying relatively well would be a major plus as would something that provides a solid career (20+ years of work). Is there anyone out there, from anywhere other than a cube farm, that may have some advice?"

from ---slashdot

well...what do we want to do? A nice big burglary? where is the action? join the movies? We are all dying omission9, let me know if you can crawl out so that I follow suit.


Abhay said...

dude, the one common thing we share with slashdot is that we're lost and confused.

ps: a big burglary wud be a gr8 idea , in ocean's 11 style :D

[Amod] said...

well.. feel-bad post!