Sunday, February 19, 2006

Hell Metal

Smokes full of lung...
pollution full of vehicles... Loads of crap heads thinking why I am staring ...
Thinking .......Stoned...........

Let me present Hellmetal

The concept behind the modern day head armour .

You are going on a road and you do not know what happens next..... You can walk, you can drive....
You can die...
Wonder why so many animals keep dying on the roads....
the lack of hellmetal to all living things...

And hey, by the way, to all unstoned people
hell metal was the early name of helmet.
Made from metals available exclusively in Hell...
Needs to be worn by dogs, nilghai and cows to protect from getting killed in freak mishaps..
Help yourself with one from the highway...
Piece of advise to walkers, joggers, trotters and other forms of human begins who travers any form of distance which has an accompanying road beside the footpath:: Keep your Hellmetals on, you never know who is determined to run you down....


Rahul said...

Here's a commental. Commental is a comment for mental people :p

Gururaj said...

Commental is for a community tht is mental baap!!!!

[Amod] said...

ye ye!!